We often become the person we hate the most——Marielle Heller's movie "A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood" (Part 2)


If we insist on insisting on our own prejudices and attitudes, in fact, we are insisting on imperfection and repeating the mistakes made by others or ourselves, just like Lloyd's attitude towards his father. This attitude and behavior is most similar to his father's attitude and behavior towards their mother and son. He unknowingly inherited his father and unknowingly became the person he hated the most. Only love and forgiveness can break this chain of sin. The premise of love and forgiveness is to admit the imperfection of others and oneself, which is to admit one's own sin. The current Lloyd is his father Jerry. This is not only the story of Lloyd and his son, it is about you, me and his life.

self righteous is usually wrong

If we insist on insisting on our own prejudices and attitudes, in fact, we are insisting on imperfection and repeating the mistakes made by others or ourselves, just like Lloyd's attitude towards his father. This attitude and behavior is most similar to his father's attitude and behavior towards their mother and son. He unknowingly inherited his father and unknowingly became the person he hated the most. Only love and forgiveness can break this chain of sin. The premise of love and forgiveness is to admit the imperfection of others and oneself, which is to admit one's own sin. The current Lloyd is his father Jerry. This is not only the story of Lloyd and his son, it is about you, me and his life.

An out-of-sync life requires more patience

Everyone gradually moves from immaturity to maturity, from incompleteness to perfection. This is not a problem, the problem is: everyone is not necessarily synchronized, everyone may be in a different stage, but met at the same time. In your life and my life, we will meet more people who are out of sync with us, the same is true among friends and relatives, maybe you are at the peak of life, but he is still at the bottom, or just started climbing Woolen cloth.

Have you ever had such an experience? You clearly know that what this person is doing is wrong, but he is unwilling to listen to your reminder and advice, and he wants to make a mistake to the end. You clearly know that there is a pit ahead, but you can't persuade the other person to stop, you can only watch him fall again. The lessons you have learned tell you what is right, but the lessons you have learned cannot help others. Everyone thinks they are unique and different from everyone else. At this time, what should we do?

The greatest happiness is——

Patience is very important. "Again we exhort, brethren, admonish the unruly. Encourage the fainthearted. Help the weak. Be patient with all." (1 Thessalonians 5:14) Of course, the accompanying There is also love, hope and faith. "I, a prisoner for the Lord, beseech you, that being called, live a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called. With all humility, gentleness, longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, and in the bond of peace, endeavor to keep the fellowship of the Holy Spirit One heart."

Happiness is to meet someone who is in sync with your life rhythm, unfortunately it is to meet someone who can’t be in sync with you all the time, and the greatest happiness is: to help a person who can’t sync with the same frequency to finally achieve sync with the same frequency, Let's climb the peak of life together.

At this point in writing, I suddenly felt that I had a deeper understanding of these words of Jesus: "Oh, you unbelieving and perverted generation! How long will I be with you? How long will I endure you? Bring me to me!" (Matthew 17:17)

First draft Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Revised on Saturday, November 26, 2022